Rapid Colorimetric Micro-method for Estimating Glucose in Blood and C.S.F. Using Glucose Oxidase
Case 2. Epistaxis as a Presenting Symptom.-A 5-yearold Chinese boy was admitted on May 15 with the complaint of fever for four days, bleeding from the nose the night before admission, and vomiting of dark-coloured material on the day of admission. On examination the temperature was 101° F. (38.3' C.). There was fresh bleeding from the nose. There were no petechiae or ecchymoses in the skin. Nothing abnormal was found in the heart, lungs, abdomen, or nervous system. In the ward he vomited coffeeground material. The epistaxis was controlled by packing the nose with gauze soaked in adrenaline. W.B.C. was 3.600 (P. 67%, L. 27%, M. 6%, E. 0%). The platelet count was 90,000 per c.mm. and the next day it was 110,000 per c.mm. The temperature became normal and he was discharged on May 17.