The objective of the present paper is the sensitivity analysis of the steel plane frame load‐carrying capacity. Methodology based on Sobol’s variance is used for the sensitivity analysis. Sensitivity analysis is used to analyze how sensitive a frame load‐carrying capacity is with respect to change of initial imperfections. Input imperfections are of random origin. Majority of the input imperfections were measured and their random realizations computed using their histograms whilst employing the Monte Carlo method. The Monte Carlo method was applied to calculation of sensitivity indices. The model output is the load‐carrying capacity calculated with used geometrical nonlinear finite element solution in each run of the Monte Carlo method.
Ilya M. Sobol,et al.
Sensitivity Estimates for Nonlinear Mathematical Models
C. Guedes Soares,et al.
Uncertainty modelling in plate buckling
Milan Holický,et al.
Design characteristics of structural steels based on statistical analysis of metallurgical products
Zdeněk Kala,et al.
Sensitivity analysis of the stability problems of thin-walled structures
A. Saltelli,et al.
A quantitative model-independent method for global sensitivity analysis of model output