Towards Video Processing

Publisher Summary The main application of digital video processing is to provide high-quality visible-light videos for human consumption. Digital video processing encompasses many approaches that derive from the essential principles of digital image processing. Indeed, it is best to become conversant in the techniques of digital image processing before embarking on the study of digital video processing. However, there is one important aspect of video processing that significantly distinguishes it from still image processing, makes necessary significant modifications of still image processing methods for adaptation to video, and also requires the development of entirely new processing philosophies. That aspect is motion. It is largely the motion of 3D objects and their 2D projections that determines our visual experience of the world. The way in which motion is handled in video processing largely determines how videos will be perceived or analyzed. Indeed, one of the first steps in a large percentage of video processing algorithms is motion estimation, whereby the movement of intensities or colors is estimated. These motion estimates can be used in a wide variety of ways for video processing and analysis.