Control of Ship capsize in stern quartering seas.

A non-linear mathematical model for the roll-yaw behaviour of a ship is used to predict capsize of a small tanker which sank in the North Sea some years ago. This capsize problem was initially simulated on an analogue computer by the Danish Maritime Authorities as well as being tank tested. The problem was simulated using the digital package SIMULINK, which produced comparable results indicating instability in waves of just less than 3 m in height. Validation of the results is attempted and a discussion of possible improvements to the model is given. Simulated responses of the tanker with simple hydrodynamic fin stabilisers show that capsize could have been prevented by this means in waves up to 7 m in height. Active PID control using a simple full span elevon is used to show a factor of ten reduction in roll angle to much greater waves. This work is of use to ship designers illustrating that stability can be enhanced for a fraction of the cost of major redesign of the ship hull and can be tailored to load conditions.