Pleomorphic adenoma of the upper lip: Report of a case

Pleomorphic adenoma is common neoplasm in the oral cavity. The most frequently affected gland is the parotid in major salivary glands and the palate in minor salivary glands, but the tumor originating in lip is reported to be rare. We experienced a case of pleomorphic adenoma of the lip.The patient, a 33-year-old man, visited our clinic. The tumor originated in his upper lip and was elastically hard and mobile with a clear cut off margin. The tumor was removed clearly and completely under local anesthesia.The removed mass measured 1. 8 cm×1. 2 cm×1. 0 cm and was elastically hard, the surface was plain and membranous. The cutting plane was yellow-grey and solid.The fibrous membrane, myxoid-like tissue and keratosquamous tissue were observed by microscopy.The recurrence of the tumor was not noticed two years after the operation.