Electronic density functional theory : recent progress and new directions

Introductory Material: Brief Introduction to Density Functional Theory J.F. Dobson, M.P. Das. Digging Into the Exchange-Correlation Energy: The Exchange-Correlation Hole K. Burke. Invited Chapters on Groundstate Energy Functionals: Mixing Exact Exchange with GGA: When to Say When K. Burke, et al. Adiabatic Coupling in the Helium and the Beryllium Series A. Savin, et al. Invited Chapters on Excited States, Time-Dependent DFT and the van der Waals Interaction: Are Unoccupied Kohn-Sham Eigenvalues Related to Excitation Energies? C.J. Umrigar, et al. Time-Dependent Optimized Effective Potential in the Linear Response Regime M. Petersilka, et al. Invited Chapters on Special Systems: Edge Electronic Structure: The Airy Gas W. Kohn. Density Functionals for Energies and Eigenvalues: Local Mass Approximation G.E. Engel, W.E. Pickett. Abstracts of Poster Presentations: Ab Initio Calculations of Magnetic Interactions in Magnetic Metal Alloys via the LSDF Approach M.F. Ling. UNICHEM and Electron Momentum Spectroscopy Investigations into the Valence Electronic Structure of Trans 1,3 Butadiene M.T. Michalewicz, et al. 20 Additional Chapters. Index.