Final design of the Switching Network Units for the JT-60SA Central Solenoid

Abstract This paper describes the approved detailed design of the four Switching Network Units (SNUs) of the superconducting Central Solenoid of JT-60SA, the satellite tokamak that will be built in Naka, Japan, in the framework of the “Broader Approach” cooperation agreement between Europe and Japan. The SNUs can interrupt a current of 20 kA DC in less than 1 ms in order to produce a voltage of 5 kV. Such performance is obtained by inserting an electronic static circuit breaker in parallel to an electromechanical contactor and by matching and coordinating their operations. Any undesired transient overvoltage is limited by an advanced snubber circuit optimized for this application. The SNU resistance values can be adapted to the specific operation scenario. In particular, after successful plasma breakdown, the SNU resistance can be reduced by a making switch. The design choices of the main SNU elements are justified by showing and discussing the performed calculations and simulations. In most cases, the developed design is expected to exceed the performances required by the JT-60SA project.