An air pollution transport teaching module based on GAUSSIAN MODELS 1.1
Abstract Educational use of environmental software offers both opportunity and challenges to software developers. Modelers should be supplying leadership in the debate about the roles that environmental models should play in both education and practice. Jennings (1997) recently discussed desirable attributes for educational-use software, and provided illustrations based on the bioremediation code BIO1D. In this companion manuscript, the concept of using the MATHCAD ‘electronic book’ format will be presented and illustrated using the air pollution transport package GAUSSIAN MODELS 1.1. ‘Electronic book’ technology is an interesting innovation that is beginning to find its way into educational applications. It is, however, important for the application to capitalize on the unique strengths of this implementation strategy. These strengths are very different from the strengths of traditional books. An example simulation based on particulate lead deposition is presented to illustrate the educational potential of this approach.