Fano Resonances in Terahertz Metasurfaces: A Figure of Merit Optimization

1537 C O M M U N IC A IO N linewidth accompanied with an extremely small resonance intensity. Typically, in most of the Fano resonant plasmonic and metamaterial systems, the quality factor declines exponentially with the increase in the resonance intensity. Thus, it becomes very important to investigate the tradeoff between the quality factor and the intensity of Fano resonances. Terahertz is a perfect regime to study this tradeoff behavior due to the ease of fabrication and the precise control that could be exercised in designing metamaterial samples with extremely small variation in the geometry of the chosen meta-atoms. Terahertz split-ring resonators (SRRs) with dual split capacitive gaps that consist of two unequal metallic wires form an asymmetric resonator that have been demonstrated in the recent past to be excellent candidates in exciting the Fano resonance with ultrahigh quality factor ( Q factor). [ 2,5 ] Such a high Q factor design can overcome the radiative loss to a large extent due to the strong confi nement of photons in the resonators. [ 25 ] The Fano resonances have also been demonstrated to be potential candidates for designing ultrasensitive sensors. [ 4,26 ] Strong confi nement of energy in such systems occur due to the antiparallel oscillating currents in the metasurface array that minimizes the radiative losses if arranged in a large periodic lattice. Therefore, weak coupling of the current mode to the free space occurs at Fano resonance once the intrinsic symmetry of the unit cell is broken, which actually breaks the resonance equilibrium in the adjacent arms. Such a weak free space coupling enables long decay time and has been argued to be an excellent cavity to realize metasurfacebased fl at lasing spaser. [ 27 ] However, the ultrahigh Q factor is obtained at the expense of the Fano resonance intensity which makes it challenging to effi ciently harness this low-loss resonance feature at subwavelength scales. The high Q resonance at low intensities also presents the diffi culty in measuring the Fano resonance with low resolution and low signal-to-noise ratio systems. Therefore, it is extremely important to excite a rather high Q resonance that has strong intensity in the transmission spectra in order to exploit these resonances for several photonic applications. In this work, we address the problem of optimizing the Q factor and the resonance intensity of the Fano resonances by probing the Figure of Merit (FoM) that we defi ne here as the product of quality factor and the resonance intensity. In order to thoroughly study the factors that determine the behavior of Fano resonances, we investigated the infl uence of structural confi guration on Fano resonance with geometrically symmetric and asymmetric SRRs through detailed experiments and simulations. The asymmetry parameter in the Fano resonator is defi ned as 1 2 1 2 100% l l l l α = − + × , where l 1 and l 2 are the length of the two wires (see the Supporting Information) that form the resonator. The length difference between the adjacent wires, l 1 – l 2 Fano Resonances in Terahertz Metasurfaces: A Figure of Merit Optimization

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