Barsebäck NPP in Sweden - Transition to Decommissioning Socio-Economic Aspects of Decommissioning What Did We Achieve During the Transition 1997-2008? - 9092

Barseback 1 and 2, type BWR (Boiling Water Reactor) with a capacity of 615 MWe was closed down permanently on 30 November 1999 respective 31 May 2005 due to political decision. Both units together have been in Service operation (Care and maintenance) since 1 December 2006. Barseback NPP will stay in Service operation until beginning of 2018 when dismantling operation begins with the aim of a free-realized site in the beginning of 2025. That means that the remaining buildings, including equipment should be declared free-released or dismantled. It would then be up to the owner, E.ON Karnkraft Sverige AB (EKS) to decide what is to be done with the site in the future. The signals from the Swedish Authorities during 1997, that Barseback NPP was pointed out to be the first NPP in Sweden to close down started up a long process for changing the organization and the future focus. The strategy before closing down Barseback 1 and after that Barseback 2 was “Business as usual” and activities like five years employment guarantee before Barseback 1 was closed down and then changed to three years employment guarantee before Barseback 2 was closed was important to achieve a feeling of personnel confidence for the staff.