LOFT steam generator simulator and pump simulator performance during LOFT isothermal test Series L1

The Loss-of-Fluid Test (LOFT) facility simulates the thermal-hydraulic conditions typical of a large pressurized water reactor (PWR) and is designed to provide data from loss-of-coolant experiments (LOCE). Isothermal Test Series L1 was performed in LOFT with a steam generator simulator and pump simulator in the broken loop hot leg for Tests L1-2 through L1-5 and in the broken loop cold leg for Test L1-1. This report examines the performance of the steam generator simulator and pump simulator during LOFT isothermal Test Series L1 and is an extension of the work reported in LTR 20-14. The evaluation of the component simulators was performed using the RELAP4/MOD5 computer code, and using the results from this evaluation, an assessment of RELAP4/MOD5 was also performed.