Transition P systems and deterministic P systems with active membranes (see [4]) are simulated in various programming languages, and some of them are used to solve NP-complete problems as SAT, Subset Sum, Knapsack, and partition problems. P systems with active membranes, input membrane and external output are simulated in CLIPS, and used to solve NP-complete problems (see [5]). New variants of these simulators provide symport-antiport rules, and catalysts. A more complex simulator written in Visual C++ for P systems with active membranes and catalytic P systems is presented in [2]. It provides a graphical simulator, interactive definition, visualization of a defined membrane system, a scalable graphical representation of the computation, and step-by-step observations of the membrane system behavior. A parallel and cluster implementation for transition P systems in C++ and MPI is presented in [1]. The rules are implemented as threads. At the initialization phase, one thread is created for each rule. Since each rule is modelled as a separate thread, it should have the ability to decide its own applicability in a particular
Charles L. Forgy,et al.
Rete: A Fast Algorithm for the Many Patterns/Many Objects Match Problem
Artif. Intell..
Gabriel Ciobanu,et al.
P System Software Simulator
Fundam. Informaticae.
Gabriel Ciobanu,et al.
P Systems Running on a Cluster of Computers
Workshop on Membrane Computing.
Mario J. Pérez-Jiménez,et al.
Multidimensional Sevilla carpets Associated with P Systems
Mario de Jesús Pérez Jiménez,et al.
A CLIPS Simulator for Recognizer P Systems with Active Membranes
Gheorghe Paun,et al.
Membrane Computing
Natural Computing Series.
Charles L. Forgy,et al.
Rete: a fast algorithm for the many pattern/many object pattern match problem