Wavelet modelling in support of IRI

Abstract The slant total electron content (STEC) of the ionosphere is defined as the integral of the electron density along the ray-path of the signal between the transmitter and the receiver. So-called geometry free GPS measurements provide information on the electron density, which is basically a four-dimensional function depending on spatial position and time. Since ground-based measurements are not very sensitive to the vertical structure within the atmosphere, the ionosphere is often represented by a spherical layer, where all electrons are concentrated. Then the STEC is transformed into the vertical total electron content (VTEC), which is a three-dimensional function depending on longitude, latitude and time. In our approach, we decompose an ionospheric function, i.e. the electron density or the VTEC, into a reference part computed from a given model like the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) and an unknown correction term expanded in a multi-dimensional series in terms of localizing base functions. The corresponding series coefficients are calculable from GPS measurements applying parameter estimation procedures. Since the GPS receivers are located rather unbalanced, finer structures are modelable just in regions with a sufficient number of observation sites. Due to the localizing feature of B-spline functions we apply a tensor product spline expansion to model the correction term regionally. Furthermore, the multi-resolution representation derived from wavelet analysis allows monitoring the ionosphere at different resolutions levels. We demonstrate the advantages of this procedure by representing a simulated VTEC data set over South America.

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