Rapid outbreak sequencing of Ebola virus in Sierra Leone identifies transmission chains linked to sporadic cases

Abstract To end the largest known outbreak of Ebola virus disease (EVD) in West Africa and to prevent new transmissions, rapid epidemiological tracing of cases and contacts was required. The ability to quickly identify unknown sources and chains of transmission is key to ending the EVD epidemic and of even greater importance in the context of recent reports of Ebola virus (EBOV) persistence in survivors. Phylogenetic analysis of complete EBOV genomes can provide important information on the source of any new infection. A local deep sequencing facility was established at the Mateneh Ebola Treatment Centre in central Sierra Leone. The facility included all wetlab and computational resources to rapidly process EBOV diagnostic samples into full genome sequences. We produced 554 EBOV genomes from EVD cases across Sierra Leone. These genomes provided a detailed description of EBOV evolution and facilitated phylogenetic tracking of new EVD cases. Importantly, we show that linked genomic and epidemiological data can not only support contact tracing but also identify unconventional transmission chains involving body fluids, including semen. Rapid EBOV genome sequencing, when linked to epidemiological information and a comprehensive database of virus sequences across the outbreak, provided a powerful tool for public health epidemic control efforts.

Paul Kellam | Abdul Kamara | Ian Goodfellow | Andrew Rambaut | Stephan Günther | Matthew Cotten | My V. T. Phan | Oliver G. Pybus | Simon Dellicour | Simon J. Watson | Andreas Kurth | Gytis Dudas | Nuno R. Faria | Isaac Boateng | Jia Lu | Martin Gabriel | Nisha Mulakken | John Redd | Armando Arias | Danny Asogun | Umaru Jah | Miles W. Carroll | Dhamari Naidoo | Elisabetta Groppelli | P. Horby | O. Pybus | Guoying Liu | A. Rambaut | S. Günther | P. Kellam | M. Cotten | A. di Caro | N. Faria | Z. Yoti | M. Carroll | R. Wölfel | S. Watson | S. Caddy | A. Arias | Jan Baumann | J. Dunning | J. Redd | I. Goodfellow | R. G. Wadoum | Martin Gabriel | D. Asogun | G. Dudas | S. Gevao | A. Kurth | B. Kargbo | A. Simpson | A. Kamara | T. Brooks | Elisabetta Groppelli | S. Dellicour | Peter Horby | Brima Kargbo | F. Sahr | Antonino Di Caro | Luke Meredith | E. Omomoh | R. Omiunu | P. Akhilomen | J. Oyakhilome | C. Aire | D. Naidoo | Zabulon Yoti | I. Boateng | L. Okoror | Jake Dunning | Roman Wölfel | Pinky Langat | Raoul Emeric Guetiya Wadoum | Ekaete Alice Tobin | Lucy Thorne | Sarah Caddy | Alimamy Tarawalie | Brima Osaio Kamara | Sahr Gevao | Daniel Cooper | Matthew Newport | Foday Sahr | Tim Brooks | Andrew J.H. Simpson | Guoying Liu | Kate Rhodes | James Akpablie | Margaret Lamunu | Esther Vitto | Patrick Otim | Collins Owilli | Lawrence Okoror | Emmanuel Omomoh | Jennifer Oyakhilome | Racheal Omiunu | Ighodalo Yemisis | Donatus Adomeh | Solomon Ehikhiametalor | Patience Akhilomen | Chris Aire | Nicola Cook | Jan Baumann | Lucy G. Thorne | Otim Patrick Cossy Ramadan | Jia Lu | Ekaete Alice Tobin | L. Thorne | L. Meredith | P. Langat | M. Phan | N. Cook | M. Newport | U. Jah | M. Lamunu | Donatus I. Adomeh | D. Cooper | J. Akpablie | Nisha Mulakken | Kate Rhodes | B. O. Kamara | Alimamy Tarawalie | Esther Vitto | Collins Owilli | Ighodalo Yemisis | Solomon Ehikhiametalor | Isaac Boateng | Racheal Omiunu | Patience Akhilomen | Jennifer Oyakhilome | N. Mulakken

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