Integrating the CERN LASER alarm system with the ALMA common software

An alarm system is a cornerstone service in every computer controlled environment. Its purpose is the notification of exceptional conditions in the system requiring an intervention from the staff. The specifications for the alarm system in the Alma Common Software (ACS) require not only that each alarm has to be shown to operators in a short time, but also that correlated alarms must be "reduced" and presented in compact form in such a way that operators are able to easily identify the root cause for an abnormal condition. In the development of ACS we always investigate the availability of adequate implementations before writing a service from scratch. Such an implementation, the CERN Laser Alarm System, developed for the Large Hadron Collider, was fulfilling and exceeding our requirements. We have therefore started a pilot collaboration project to verify the possibility of integrating Large Hadron Collider Alarm Service (LASER) into ACS. A test suite was developed to demonstrate that the full chain of events starting from the publication of new alarms from a set of sources to their representation in a GUI happened as expected. Particular attention was given to the reduction mechanism for its importance in helping the operators in finding the real cause of each problem in a short time. The project showed that it is possible to integrate two different software systems if they are written with well defined interface and have a similar infrastructure. In this paper we describe the modifications we introduce to integrate CERN LASER into ACS.