Application of fractional-order differentials in enhancing vestige images of crime scene

After their criminal acts, crime offenders generally leave vestige evidences on the crime scene. To deal with the blurred fingerprints collected from the crime scene, this paper proposes an approach of the 7∗7 Fractional Order Differential (FOD) cover operator. Through comparing the enhanced effects of such different differentials order, the paper proves that, this image enhancement approach based on FOD cover operator can significantly enhances the true features of the fingerprint image, instead of adding any pseudo features. It overcomes the distortion incurred the original fingerprints processed by traditional image processing software. As indicated in our experiment results, we compare the enhanced effect of fingerprints with Butterworth high pass filter, and find it easy to obtain natural features of the fingerprint, without evident noise of fingerprint images. The fingerprint image processed by this approach reveals a number of advantages such as higher definition and better applicability.