A New Method for Synthesizing Dialkoxytin(II) and Mono and Diaryloxytin(II) Compounds

Abstract The reactions of bis(β-diketonato)tin(II), such as bis(2, 4-pentanedionato)tin(II), Sn(acac)2, bis(1-ethoxy-1, 3-butanedionato)tin(II), Sn(etac)2, and bis(1-methoxy-1, 3-butanedionato)-tin(II), Sn(mtac)2, with sodium alkoxide (NaOR, R = CH3, C2H5) in alcohol/benzene at room temperature have been found to give the corresponding dialkoxytin(II) compounds. Sn(acac)2 reacted also with o-substituted phenols [o-X-C6H4 OH; X = CH3CO, CH3OC(O), CH3O, Cl, (CH3)3C] in a molar ratio of 1:2 at 90 °C to afford the corresponding monosubstituted tin(II) compound, [Sn(OC6H4-X)(acac)], but the reaction with C6H5OH produced only the diphenoxide, Sn(OC6H5)2. Referee I: M. Denk Referee II: M. Zeldin