Statistical Distributions, Second Edition

advantage of the unique capabilities of the computer to teach. The self-test segment of the program is simply a memory game, which does not focus on clinically relevant anatomy or provide a framework on how to think radiologically. In summary, while The Imaging Atlas functions appropriately, it offers few advantages over a radiographic atlas in book form. A firm grasp of statistical distributions of random variables provides a cornerstone for thinking about statistical inference and for understanding how statistics works. Statistical Distributions is a brief reference to thirty-nine of the major statistical distributions, including the some of the most common distributions used in the scientific literature (such as the binomial, normal, chi-squared, t and F) as well as ones that are seen less often (Dirichlet, Rayleigh and von Mises). Each chapter is devoted to describing one particular distribution. Typical information provided in each chapter includes the distribution parameters, distribution function, probability function and moment generating function. The mean and variance of each distribution (and up to the first four moments) are usually presented. Line graphs of probability functions are also included for most distributions. There is an valuable section in each chapter called "variate relationships," which describes how a particular distribution is related to others. For example, under the normal distribution, this section describes what conditions are necessary for the chi-squared, Poisson, Student's t and gamma distributions to approach the normal. Another example is a description of how the chi-squared distribution is related to the gamma. There is nothing new in the material presented here, as these statistical "pearls" can be found in standard statistical textbooks, but the added-value of this book is how this information is collected in one place and simply stated. Overall, Statistical Distributions is exactly what its title states, a reference for the statistically inclined. It is a convenient resource for students learning graduate-level probability and statistics, or the research professional who needs a source for a quick refresher. The only detraction of the book is its relatively high cost, especially for a paperback; however , the expense of the book may be well worth it considering the aggravation it saves from seeking esoteric information from multiple textbooks. The book is a compelling documentary about the state of those afflicted by leprosy in the East Africa nation of Mali during this century. The author, Eric Silla, traveled to Mali to research this book between 1992 to …