Insights into pulsed electrodeposition of GMR multilayered nanowires

Abstract In this work, Co/Cu nanowires are fabricated by pulsed electrodeposition from a single bath solution containing both Co and Cu ions. Alternate Co and Cu layers are deposited into the nanopores of track etched polycarbonate templates. Although the feasibility of this process is generally recognized, some important issues such as process reproducibility and how structural defects affect the nanowires arrays’ sensing performances are still open; conditions necessary to turn a this made system into a magnetic field sensor. The present work aims at pushing forward knowledge concerning the nanowires fabrication and defining the best growth parameters; in particular, a tight control of the growth process parameters such as single metal deposition potentials and single cycle deposition durations have been carried out for nanowires of 80 nm diameter and correlated to the system magneto-electric response.