Physical activity at midlife and health-related quality of life in older men.

Brinker, and Iyasu. Acquisition of data: Brinker. Analysis and interpretation of data: Desai, Brinker, and Swann. Drafting of the manuscript: Desai and Brinker. Critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content: Desai, Brinker, Swann, and Iyasu. Statistical analysis: Desai. Administrative, technical, and material support: Brinker and Swann. Study supervision: Brinker and Iyasu. Financial Disclosure: At the time this project was initiated, Dr Desai was on a practicum rotation with the FDA as a resident physician within the Johns Hopkins General Preventive Residency Program. Drs Brinker, Swann, and Iyasu are employed at the FDA. These authors list no grants, directed financial support, or financial interests in these data.