Possibilities and results of (a single channel) linear prediction have been investigated for a few long time series of hourly, logarithmic, total (seismic + seismoacoustic) emission energy, observed from the region of a longwall independently by seismic and seismoacoustic networks in a coal mine. Quality of prediction, measured by the normalized variance of prediction errors, has been of the order of 0,5 and it is concluded, that for reasonably well estimated energies of observed events (keeping errors within the limits of ± 1 logarithmic unit) prediction errors of size similar to observation errors are obtainable. Abstract This paper presents partial results of the ground velocities analysis which were observed during the rockbursts at three underground seismological stations situated in the Ostrava-Karvina coal mines. For the investigation records of 49 rockbursts were used, energy of which was within the range of 103 - 107 J and hypocentral distances varied from 500 to 6900 m. Using the method of linear regression, dependences for ground velocity ui vs. scaled distance rred for P and S waves were derived which were expressed by following equations: Pmax -waves i = 1.243x10 -4 * rred -1.016 (m.s -1 ) Smax -waves i = 5.167x10 -4 * rred -1.185 (m.s -1 ) Abstract Paper is devoted to seismic activity in the area of western Bohemia, Nový Kostel Swarm 2000 observed by the Krasnet seismological network in particular. System of data acquisition and data processing conducted at IPE is described in brief, main portion of the paper deals with detailed description of results obtained. In the framework of the Nový Kostel 2000 Swarm total of 3229 earthquakes were localized their magnitudes ranging from -0.9 to +3.2. Statistical evaluation of earthquake occurrences, their magnitudes, energy released and some results of calculation of focal mechanisms are presented as well.