High voltage design guide for airborne equipment
Abstract : The report supplies the theoretical background and design techniques needed by an engineer who is designing electrical insulation for high-voltage high-power components, equipment, and systems on aircraft. A literature survey and abundant bibliography identify references that provide further data on the subjects of partial discharges, corona, field theory and plotting, voids and processes for applying insulation. Both gaseous and solid insulations are treated. Cryogenic and liquid design notes are included. Tests and test equipment for high voltage insulation and equipment are defined. Requirements of test plans and procedures for high-voltage high-power equipment are identified and illustrated by examples. Suggestions for high-voltage specifications are provided. Very few of the Military and Government specifications deal with system voltages above 10kv, thus most aircraft high- voltage specifications will have to be derived from the power industry specifications and standards produced by ASTM, IEEE, and NEMA.