We describe some characteristics of persistent musical and verbal retrieval episodes, commonly known as "earworms." In Study 1, participants first filled out a survey summarizing their earworm experiences retrospectively. This was followed by a diary study to document each experience as it happened. Study 2 was an extension of the diary study with a larger sample and a focus on triggering events. Consistent with popular belief, these persistent musical memories were common across people and occurred frequently for most respondents, and were often linked to recent exposure to preferred music. Contrary to popular belief, the large majority of such experiences were not unpleasant. Verbal earworms were uncommon. These memory experiences provide an interesting example of extended memory retrieval for music in a naturalistic situation.
Daniel J. Levitin,et al.
This is your brain on music : the science of a human obsession
M. Wammes,et al.
Characteristics of Spontaneous Musical Imagery
Steven Brown.
The Perpetual Music Track The Phenomenon of Constant Musical Imagery
F. Bailes.
The prevalence and nature of imagined music in the everyday lives of music students
C Philip Beaman,et al.
Earworms (stuck song syndrome): towards a natural history of intrusive thoughts.
British journal of psychology.
Timothy L Hubbard,et al.
Auditory imagery: empirical findings.
Psychological bulletin.