Reducing nitrogen leaching-losses from containerized plants: the effectiveness of controlled-release fertilizers

Abstract To evaluate the effectiveness of controlled‐release fertilizer (CRF) for reducing nitrogen (N) leaching‐losses from containerized greenhouse crops, three experiments were conducted where CRFs were applied in different ways and compared to water‐soluble fertilizer (WSF). In each experiment, ‘First Lady’ marigold (Tagetes erecta L.) plants in 0.5‐liter pots of a soilless growth medium were fertilized with the same amount of ? from 20N‐4.3P‐16.6K WSF, Osmocote 14N‐6.2P‐11.6K CRF, or Nutricote 14N‐6.2P‐11.6K CRF fertilizers. The volume of irrigation water applied to all treatments was the same in each experiment. Nitrogen content, as NH4‐N and NO3‐N in container leachates, and plant growth were measured and used to compare WSF with CRFs incorporated in the growth medium, or as applied to the surface, in either one large application or two small doses. A single large application of CRF at planting resulted in as much or more ? leaching than the regular application of WSF. Effectiveness of CRFs in limi...