Brain functional development separates into three distinct time periods in the first two years of life

ABSTRACT Recently, resting functional MRI has provided invaluable insight into the brain developmental processes of early infancy and childhood. A common feature of previous functional development studies is the use of age to separate subjects into different cohorts for group comparisons. However, functional maturation paces vary tremendously from subject to subject. Since this is particularly true for the first years of life, an alternative to physical age alone is needed for cluster analysis. Here, a data‐driven approach based on individual brain functional connectivity was employed to cluster typically developing children who were longitudinally imaged using MRI without sedation for the first two years of life. Specifically, three time periods were determined based on the distinction of brain functional connectivity patterns, including 0–1 month (group 1), 2–7 months (group 2), and 8–24 (group 3) of age, respectively. From groups 1 to 2, connection density increased by almost two‐fold, local efficacy (LE) is significantly improved, and there was no change in global efficiency (GE). From groups 2 to 3, connection density increased slightly, LE showed no change, and a significant increase in GE were observed. Furthermore, 27 core brain regions were identified which yielded clustering results that resemble those obtained using all brain regions. These core regions were largely associated with the motor, visual and language functional domains as well as regions associated with higher order cognitive functional domains. Both visual and language functional domains exhibited a persistent and significant increase within domain connection from groups 1 to 3, while no changes were observed for the motor domain. In contrast, while a reduction of inter‐domain connection was the general developmental pattern, the motor domain exhibited an interesting “V” shape pattern in its relationship to visual and language associated areas, showing a decrease from groups 1 to 2, followed by an increase from groups 2 to 3. In summary, our results offer new insights into functional brain development and identify 27 core brain regions critically important for early brain development.

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