Uptakeandtranslocation offluorescent latexparticles by rabbit Peyer's patchfollicle epithelium: a quantitative model forM cell uptake

SUMMARY Aquantitative, light microscopic morphometric modelforuptake ofparticulates byPeyer's patchM cells was developed. Rabbitintestinal loopscontaining Peyer's patches were inoculated with fluorescent, non-degradable polystyrene microparticles (600-750 nm),andtheir localization in Peyer's patches was traced after varying timeperiods. Theparticles were localized sequentially atthe FAEcell surface, spanning theentire widthofFAE cells, andwithin thesubepithelial domeas a function oftime. Theparticles wereassociated with5D9+or ID9+M cells, butwere nottaken up or transported byvillus epithelia. Thekinetics suggested a synchronous wave ofuptakeand transepithelial transport. Quantitative analysis revealed aconsiderably greateruptake efficiency of polystyrene microspheres incomparison toother biological particles.