Measurement of maturity level of a professional community

Fedor Krasnov - Director, Virtual Skolkovo Project Office, Skolkovo Fund.Address: 12, Krasnopresnenskaya nab., Moscow, 123610, Russian Federation.E-mail: fk@sk.ruRostislav Yavorskiy - Customer Relations Manager, Skolkovo Fund.Address: 12, Krasnopresnenskaya nab., Moscow, 123610, Russian Federation.E-mail: ryavorsky@sk.ruIn today’s world, formal online community models represent a rather insufficiently explored field of social and economic systems. Maturity model-based approaches can be utilized to assess the level of development of online communities. A maturity model is a common method to institutionalize various types of creative activities, and models such as CMM and CMMI developed by Software Engineering Institute are widely practiced. This opens quite topical opportunities for modeling and measuring the maturity level of professional communities. The study proposes an approach for assessing maturity levels of professional online communities. It is based on measuring two sets of parameters that characterize the level of competence and the density of the network of contacts in a community. With such approach, the formal model is described in terms of combination of social and semantic networks. The study also provides results of the pilot testing of the proposed approach for assessment of several city-wide IT-communities in central Russia. The authors use their experience and initial studies in developing an online community of the portal as part of the Virtual Skolkovo program.The proposed rating of an online community provides for a system approach to assessing the current status of professional communities. However, this approach (in its current form) has a certain limited scope of applicability. First of all, a more definitive list of parameters and their weight needs to be elaborated, specifically to account for financial performance and social/ demographic data of a region, information on registered legal entities, etc. In addition, the methods of assessing each parameter require further study. A system of scoring by experts is currently used, and future consideration should be given to the avoiding or at least minimizing the human subjectivity factor.The proposed approach to the design of a maturity model of a professional community will need a more thorough experimental verification and further research. The authors plan to continue with developing the suggested community rating methodology through replacing the subjective expert scoring with a system of formal parameters calculated on the basis of the proposed model.