Analysis of Network-Enabled ASW Concepts of Operation
Abstract : This report describes an analysis of two selected concepts for improving Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) performance and effectiveness by means of network-enabled sharing of information during ASW operations. These concepts are identified as Shared Situational Awareness (SSA) and Collaborative Information Environment (CIE). It is shown that the application of queueing theory models provide useful tools for quantitatively estimating the value-added of implementing these concepts. In addition, queueing theory can be used to examine the tradeoffs between information systems and shooters. In general, queueing theory can support analysis whenever military operations, such as ASW, can be characterized as demand for service processes. For the SSA and CIE concepts, an ASW tactical situation (TACSIT) is described and then metrics are defined and quantified by means of queueing models. Insights, conclusions and recommendations are then developed from the parametric quantitative results about the potential improvements to ASW performance and effectiveness achievable through implementation of these network-enabled concepts.