Review of personality and social psychology

Phillip Shaver Editor's Introduction Ira J Roseman Cognitive Determinants of Emotion A Structural Theory Klaus R Scherer Emotion as a Multicomponent Process A Model and Some Cross-Cultural Data Seymour Epstein Controversial Issues in Emotion Theory Harold H Kelley Affect in Interpersonal Relations Joseph de Rivera The Structure of Emotional Relationships Thomas J Scheff The Taboo on Coarse Emotions Carol Tavr Personal and Social Dangers of Anger Expression Melvin M Mark and Robert Folger Responses to Relative Deprivation A Conceptual Framework Peggy A Thoits Coping, Social Support, and Psychological Outcomes The Central Role of Emotion Karen S Rook Research on Social Support, Loneliness and Social Isolation Toward an Integration Robert O Hansson, Warren H Jones, and Bruce N Carpenter Relational Competence and Social Support Mark L Laudenslager and Martin L Reite Losses and Separations Immunological Consequences and Health Implications