Economics of Information
Economics of information has emerged as a subject in its own right. The abundance of literature in the field bears testimony to this fact. It is an area of interest to both economists and library and information professionals. Naturally, the literature to the subject emanate from both the disciplines. However, the approaches of these two groups are divergent. In this review also, the two stream approach is followed. Since the literature from Economics provide the theoretical background, the significant contributions right from 1960s are covered. From among the contributions from the library and and Information side also only selected studies which are representative in nature and published in the present century are included in the review, lest it may become too long. The studies in the field of Library and Information Science are mostly evaluative in nature. They are categorized under the headings reviews, general studies, academic libraries, university libraries and public libraries. The evaluative studies were found to be more in the field of public libraries.