Hyperplasia of the duodenal glands of Brunner was first described by pathologic anatomists in 1876 and introduced as a radiologic entity by Erb and Johnson (2) in 1948. In 1934 Feyrter (3) classified hyperplasia of Brunner's glands into three types. The first is diffuse nodular hyperplasia consisting of coarse mucosal folds and irregularly circumscribed nodules composed of duodenal glands which are distributed throughout the greater portion of the duodenum. The second type is the circumscribed nodular hyperplasia in which isolated nodules of Brunner's glands are located in the suprapapillary portion of the duodenum, often accompanied by atrophy of the intervening glands. The third type is the single nodule of adenomatous hyperplasia varying in size up to several centimeters. The solitary nodule is usually located in the duodenal bulb and may be either sessile or pedunculated. Robertson (6) did extensive investigative work on the duodenum and concurred with Feyrter's classification although he used the ter...