Material Flow Accounting for Metals in Japan

Planning transition from conventional mass production, mass consumption, and mass disposal society to JUNKANGATA-SHAKAI (recycling-oriented society), requires detailed and accurate information concerning material flows, especially from the viewpoint of dematerialization. However, as is well known, it is nearly impossible to observe every material flow directly. Hence, the importance of Material Flow Accounting model has increased. In this study, a Material Flow Accounting model using input-output technique is developed for Japanese metal flows. Since the model uses the Input-Output framework, it can be easily integrated with the MIOT (Monetary Input-Output Table) for further simulation. However, the scope of this study is limited to static framework, because the primal goal is accuracy. The data for year 2000 is organized with the developed framework, and gives the following results. Firstly, scraps play significant roles already. Second, non-ferrous metals can be grouped into two types. The first group's destination is mainly construction and machinery and these non-ferrous metals show the similar pattern of destination as iron. This indicates that the flows can be roughly predicted from the iron flows. The other group shows no uniform trend so that the flows are more difficult to predict than the first group.