Guideline-based consultation to prevent anticoagulant-related bleeding. A randomized, controlled trial in a teaching hospital.

OBJECTIVE To test the efficacy of consultation designed to prevent anticoagulant-related bleeding. DESIGN Randomized, controlled trial. SETTING A large teaching hospital. PATIENTS A total of 101 patients at increased (greater than 15%) risk for major, in-hospital bleeding while starting long-term anticoagulant therapy who were identified using a validated prediction rule. INTERVENTIONS Fifty-five patients received usual care under the direction of the attending physician who had initiated anticoagulant therapy. Forty-six patients received guideline-based consultation in addition to usual care. Guideline-based consultation included individualized review of the risks and benefits of anticoagulant therapy and, on the basis of current practice guidelines, recommendations for daily management. MEASUREMENTS The main outcome was in-hospital bleeding, which was classified using a reliable, explicit index. RESULTS Major or minor bleeding occurred in 17 of 55 patients (31%) receiving usual care alone, compared with 6 of 46 patients (13%) receiving consultation in addition to usual care (P = 0.03). The protective efficacy of consultation was 58% (95% CI, 3% to 82%). Consultation was associated with similar reductions in the frequencies of major bleeding (from 13% to 4%) and minor bleeding (from 18% to 9%). Consultative recommendations had an 84% compliance rate and directly affected anticoagulant management: In the consult group, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents were stopped in six patients (13%), and therapeutic ranges were achieved more often for activated partial thromboplastin times (52% compared with 45% in the usual care group, P = 0.08) and for prothrombin times (47% compared with 27% in the usual care group, P less than 0.001). Nearly all housestaff and attending physicians (91%) for patients receiving consultation also reported that consultation improved housestaff learning. The consult group had a somewhat lower rate of thromboembolism in the 90 days after discharge (5% compared with 17%, P = 0.06). Death rates and mean lengths of stay were similar in the two groups. CONCLUSION Guideline-based consultation was associated with reduction in the frequency of anticoagulant-related bleeding in patients at increased risk for major in-hospital bleeding.

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