Case Study of the Reforms on Laws for the Cadaster in the Republic of Kosovo

SUMMARY The Kosovo Cadastral Agency (KCA) is regulated through UNMIK Regulation i and by the Law on the Establishment of the Immovable Property Rights Register ii , as mechanism for implementing and validating immovable property rights in Kosovo. The institutions for public inventory register (Cad aster) have been subject of regulation of several laws and public institutions. As laws regul ating registration in Cadaster, mortgages, servitudes and other rules regulating the right to immovable property and registration in Kosovo have been subject to change and amendment, there is need to evaluate them. The Law on Cadaster was amended three times in interest to follow development of the cadaster services and approximation with EU legislation iii . Principles established by the Contact Group iv under the Ahtisaari Statement do not mandate the cadastral activity to be managed by local autho rities. It requires that these services be provided at the local level. The same refers to the civil registration service that is created as Agency, within the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Organization of the KCA and Municipal Cadaster Offices is better form and insure quality and efficiently services for owners of imobile prop erty. The article will also rely on comparative analysis, in order to draw similarities with other contexts and also with an aim to learn from “better practices”. This article will be beneficial for academic unders tanding of the current situation of regulation of registration of property rights, but also speak to possible policy changes which may be necessary in Kosovo for a more effective leg islation. Municipal officials are selected, funded and manage d by municipalities that are by political party, wich is closely related to the winer party o f each election. To set up and development of independent, professional and reliable instituti on, the current obstacles require legislative solution.