Trusted Computing Platforms: TCPA Technology in Context
As businesses stake their very existence on the Internet, PCs, PDAs, and other key computing platforms, the trustworthiness of these platforms has become a vital concern. In response, the Trusted Computing Platform Alliance (TCPA) has delivered a complete specification for building trusted computing platforms atop trusted hardware. In Trusted Computing Platforms, leaders of the initiative illuminate TCPA for every systems developer and decision-maker. They place TCPA in context, outlining its goals, techniques, and powerful implications for the future. What trusted computing platforms are, how they work, and what problems they will solve Transforming standard platforms into trusted platforms cost-effectively Scenarios for managers: TCPA applications in the security-focused business Protected storage: how TCPA can ensure the confidentiality of stored data Software integrity: ensuring that a system's software environment hasn't been tampered with Trust mechanisms in a trusted platform: functional descriptions, advantages, and overhead Trusted platforms in practice: TCPA for developers and technical professionals How trusted platforms can be used to protect user privacy The TCPA initiative: its history, status, and next steps forwardBacked by an extraordinary range of industry leaders, TCPA offers the first complete, cost-effective, and globally applicable solution for trusted computing. Whether you develop new systems or apply them in business or government, you need to understand this technology-and with this book, you will.