Scene Classification Based on Local Binary Pattern and Improved Bag of Visual Words

Today, image classification is considered as one of the most important and challenging tasks in computer vision. This paper presents a new method for image classification using Bag Of Visual Words and Local Binary Patterns (LBP). The bag-of-visual-words (BoVW) model has been proven to be very efficient for image classification and image retrieval. However, most proposals directly use local features extracted from an image while ignoring hidden information that could be extracted from an image. To solve this problem, we propose a novel image classification method using information extracted from different channels of the image and the grayscale version of the image. In this way more discriminant information is extracted from the image and as a result the constructed BoVW model gives highly discriminative features that considerably increases the classification performance. In this work we embed features extracted using LBP into BoVW model to construct our proposed scene classification model. The choice of LBP as image feature descriptor is because of the fact that the content of most of the scene images contains textural information so extracting LBP features is a very wise choice compared to other popular image features like Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) that fails to capture image information in homogeneous areas or textual images. Experiments on Oliva and Torralba (OT) dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.

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