Hydraulic resistance in Acer saccharum shoots and its influence on leaf water potential and transpiration.

A new method is presented for measuring whole-shoot hydraulic conductance, K(T) (kg s(-1) MPa(-1)). The method was also used to determine other conductance values in maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) stem segments of differing diameter including: K(h) (absolute conductance or conductance per unit pressure gradient, kg s(-1) m MPa(-1)), K(s) (specific conductance or K(h) per unit wood area, kg s(-1) m(-1) MPa(-1)), and LSC (leaf specific conductance or K(h) per unit leaf area, kg s(-1) m(-1) MPa(-1)). A regression of K(T) versus stem basal diameter, D (m), gave K(T) = 5.998 x 10(-2) D(1.402) (R(2) = 0.986 for D from 0.001 to 0.1 m) and a regression for leaf area, A(L) (m(2)), gave A(L) = 4.667 x 10(3) D(2.007) (R(2) = 0.981 for D from 0.001 to 0.3 m). More than 50% of the resistance to water flow in large shoots (0.1 m in diameter and 8 to 10 m long) was contained in branches less than 0.012 m in diameter, i.e., in the distal 1.5 m of branches. We used the regressions to predict the steady state difference in pressure potential, P, between the base of a shoot of diameter D and the average pressure potential at the apices of the shoot; the relation is given by P = 7.781 x 10(4) E D(0.605), where E is the average evaporative flux density (kg s(-1) m(-2)) in the leaves attached to the shoot. After comparing the predictions of this equation to field observations of E and leaf water potential and stomatal conductance, we concluded that the hydraulic conductance of large maple shoots is sufficiently low to prevent maximum stomatal conductance in maple leaves.