Factors influencing non-attendance in the immunization of children in three selected regions, Ethiopia, July 1988.

A study was carried out in three selected administrative regions of Ethiopia to identify factors responsible for non-attendance in immunization coverage. Sixty clusters were selected from EPI operational localities. A house to house survey was done and ten children between the ages of 12-23 months from each cluster were included in the study. Factors such as sex and birth order of children, marital status, age, occupation, education, knowledge, attitude and practice of mothers were looked into to find out their influence on nonattendance of immunization programme. Consequently, education of mothers and sending back of mothers without their children being immunized were found to be significant factors influencing attendance for immunization (P less than 0.05). The aforementioned factors need to be addressed by relevant Ministries in order to improve immunization status of children. Unless and otherwise these factors are tackled, the goal of EPI universal coverage is not to be achieved in time.