A new bogie frame of Light-Rail Transit (LRT) is having its strength of structure verified with experimental static testing according to EN 13749 standards. Static testing of bogie frame structure of LRT is performed by using a combination of seven tensile and compression loads that comprise of operational loads (normal service) and over-loads (exceptional service). Measurement parameters of bogie frame are strain and deflection values. The strain and deflection values resulted at every step of the load test were measured and monitored to further be used as analytic data. This data is then compared to the stress data of finite element analysis to check its deviation value. Testing results show the maximum stress value is 81.48 MPa on operational load, meanwhile, for exceptional load case, maximum stress is 120.96 MPa and deflection value is 1.25 mm. The maximum stress value is still below yield strength of bogie frame material S 555J2 (y=355 MPa). According to testing data, structure of bogie frame LRT fulfill as the acceptance criteria.
Jung Seok Kim,et al.
Structural Behaviors of a GFRP Composite Bogie Frame for Urban Subway Trains under Critical Load Conditions
H. Jun,et al.
Fatigue Design Evaluation of Railway Bogie with Full-Scale Fatigue Test
R. L. Hannah,et al.
Strain gage users' handbook
Rusu-Casandra Aurelia Liliana,et al.
Stresses in a Bogie Frame of a Rail Carriage
J. Chvojana,et al.
Experimental Methods for the GRP Bogie Structure Integrity Assessment
Miloslav Kepka,et al.
Static and dynamic testing of a bogie
A. Anwar,et al.
Evaluation of Operational Loading of the Light-Rail Transit (LRT) in Capital Region, Indonesia