Āyurveda : the divine science of life

Part One: Theory and Practice of Ayurveda 1. Foundation 2. Theory 3. Constitution and Consciousness 4. The Physical Body 5. Ayurvedic Living 6. Pharmacology and Pharmacy 7. Food and Drink 8. Pathology and Disease 9. Clinical Methodology and Case History 10. Clinical Examination 11. Treatment of Disease Part Two: Ayurvedic Materia medica Appendix 1. Dietary and Lifestyle Regimens Appendix 2. Ayurvedic Formulations Appendix 3. Glossary of Ayurvedic Herbs, Minerals and Animal Products Appendix 4. Ayurvedic Weights and Measures Appendix 5. Glossary of Ayurvedic Terms Appendix 6. Ayurvedic Resources Bibliography and References Index