TRIZ based Function Analysis models existing products based on functional interactions between product parts. Such a function model description is the ideal starting point for product innovation. Design engineers can apply (TRIZ) methods such as trimming and function ranking to this function model to improve their products. This paper describes the introduction of said methods directly into CAD software, since this is software often used by design engineers. As such, design engineers do not have to switch between applications, or worse, convert product data sets, when jumping from product detailing to innovation tasks. The developed software tool tries to actively guide engineers through the innovation process, progressing more quickly through product design and redesign phases. Thus, resulting in shorter lead times and a faster time-to-market for the industry.
G. S. Alʹtshuller,et al.
40 Principles: TRIZ Keys to Technical Innovation
Thomas H.J. Vaneker,et al.
What-if Design as a Synthesizing Working Method in Product Design
Darrell Mann,et al.
Hands-on systematic innovation
Lawrence D. Miles,et al.
Techniques Of Value Analysis And Engineering
G. Altshuller.
Creativity as an exact science : the theory of the solution of inventive problems
Thomas H.J. Vaneker,et al.
‘What-if’ design: a synthesis method in the design process
Wessel Willems Wits,et al.
Integrating TRIZ function modeling in CAD software