Semantics to Empower Services Science: Using Semantics at Middleware, Web Services and Business Levels

ion Level Incompatibility – Entity and attribute level differences that arise because two semantically similar entities or attributes are represented at different levels of abstraction Generalization conflicts Semantically similar entities are represented at different levels of generalization in two Web services Web service 1 Web service 2 GRAD-STUDENT (ID, STUDENT(ID, Name, Name, Major) Major, Type) * WS2 defines the student entity at a much general level. A mapping from WS1 to WS2 requires adding a Type element with a default ‘Graduate’ value, while mapping in the other direction is a partial function. Aggregation conflicts Semantically similar entities are represented at different levels of generalization in two Web services Web service 1 Web service 2 PROFESSOR (ID, Name, FACULTY (ID, Dept) ProfID, Dept) * A set-of Professor entities is a Faculty entity. When the output of WS1 is a Professor entity, it is possible to identify the Faculty group it belongs to, but generating a mapping in the other direction is not possible. Attribute Entity conflicts Semantically similar entity modeled as an attribute in one service and as an entity in the other Web service 1 Web service 2 COURSE (ID, Name, Semester) DEPT( Course, Sem, .., ..) * Course modeled as an entity by WS1 is modeled as an attribute by WS2. With definition contexts, mappings can be specified in both directions. Heterogeneities / Conflicts Examples conflicted elements shown in color Suggestions / Issues in Resolving Heterogeneities Execution: Data Mediation