Performance of a residential solar heating and cooling system. Annual progress report, 1 Jul 1974--1 Feb 1975

This report discusses a nominal two-year effort to design, construct, test, and evaluate an experimental system for using solar energy to drive heating, cooling, and hot water subsystems, supplemented as necessary with auxiliary (oil or gas) fuel. The program is designed to provide the following information: design data for integrated systems and subsystems; system performance for heating, cooling, and water heating; operating economics; verification of the University of Wisconsin model; design and operation of automatic controls; correlation of standard Weather Bureau data with on-site insolation data; and systems reliability evaluation. During the first six months of operation, solar energy supplied approximately 40% of the cooling load, 86% of the space heating, and 68% of the domestic hot water heating. Collector efficiency ranged from 30-35% throughout the period of August 1, 1974, to January 31, 1975, which was the average or expected level. (GRA)