Generally, martial arts are the phenomenon from area of physical culture [1]. But, similarly as sport (ports event) they are present in mass culture [2]. They are in fact extremely spectacular form of physical or psycho-physical culture. The theoretical framework for the research gives here the sociology of culture and anthropology of martial arts [3,4,5]. Aim of the scientific exploration were description and attempt to explain the manifestations of the phenomenon of martial arts in today’s global mass culture. It is interesting to approach the dimensions of showmanship and expression in the martial arts, as pointed out by some cultural anthropologists [6, 7]. In turn, other researchers suggest an association of media and martial arts with myth and archetype [8,p.75-86,9]. What archetype here is the most popular? The authors have adopted the distinction between mass culture and popular culture, „mass culture is content transmitted by technical means of mass media (press, radio and television), which are characterized by, on the one hand, a big centralization of the process for granting and, on the other hand, highly fragmented very numerous and diverse audiences”. And „popular culture can be defined as content that – regardless of the medium – are easy to read, often very conventionalized, and contain clear elements entertainment and thus attract a large audience” [3,p.146]. ‘Physical culture‘ is defined as: „a relatively integrated and rooted system of behaviour in the field of care for the physical development, mobility, health, beauty, physical perfection and the expression of a man running according to accepted patterns within the community, as well as the results of that behaviour” [10,p.28]. In turn, the ‘martial arts‘ we mean: a historic category of flawless methods of unarmed combat fights and the use of weapon combined with spiritual element (personal development, also in its transcendent sphere) [11].
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