Knowledge Base Evolution Analysis: A Case Study in the Tourism Domain

Stakeholders – curator, consumer, etc. – in the tourism domain routinely need to combine and compare statistical indicators about tourism. In this context, various Knowledge Bases (KBs) have been designed and developed in the Linked Open Data (LOD) cloud in order to support decision-making process in Tourism domain. Such KBs evolve over time: their data (instances) and schemes can be updated, extended, revised and refactored. However, unlike in more controlled types of knowledge bases, the evolution of KBs exposed in the LOD cloud is usually unrestrained, what may cause data to suffer from a variety of issues. This paper attempts to address the impact of KB evolution in tourism domain by showing how entity evolves over time using the 3cixty KB. We show that using multiple versions of the KB through time can help to understand inconsistency in the data collection process.