Air pollution levels in the vicinity of simple signalized intersections were investigated. A thorough review of the literature was performed and a new, simplified predictive model was developed. The new model is known as the Texas Intersection Model (TEXIN) and incorporates the MOBILE-2 and CALINE-3 computer programs with a set of established "short-cut" traffic and excess emissions techniques. The result is an efficient computer program capable of estimating carbon monoxide levels near simple, signalized intersections given minimal geometrical, meteorological and traffic parameters. The TEXIN Model was compared to experimental data near intersections and to corresponding simulations by the Intersection Midblock Model (IMM) and other existing intersection models. The TEXIN Model only requires approximately 10 per cent of the inputs and the computer time required by the Intersection Midblock Model (IMM). The new model also perdicts pollution levels with slightly more accuracy than the IMM. (FHWA)