Online shopping using electronic payment scheme has gained a lot of popularity in recent years. In an electronic payment scheme using normal credit cards there is no way to genuinely identify owner of the credit card. Credit card fraud is the fastest growing crime all over the world. Any effort to plug the security hole especially for online payment is considered worthwhile. RFID enabled credit cards are becoming increasingly popular as contactless credit cards. We envision a future where RFID credit cards will be used for online shopping. RFID system has tremendous potential to render electronic payments more secure than normal credit cards. The word RFID enabled credit cards may bring in mixed passion, enthusiasm and perhaps even rage! This is partly paranoia and partly reality. The reality is that an intruder can read RFID cards without the user even noticing it. This brings in a zone of discomfort and leads to paranoia. Certain interactivity should exist to bring back this comfort to the user. This paper tries to make an effort in that direction. In this paper we propose mobile phone based architecture for secured electronic payments using RFID credit cards
Dooho Choi,et al.
A Study on RFID Privacy Mechanism using Mobile Phone
Ari Juels,et al.
RFID security and privacy: a research survey
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications.
Arunabha Bagchi,et al.
Research survey
Ron Weinstein,et al.
RFID: a technical overview and its application to the enterprise
IT Professional.
Seon Wook Kim,et al.
Software architecture for a multi-protocol RFID reader on mobile devices
Second International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems (ICESS'05).
Avishai Wool,et al.
Picking Virtual Pockets using Relay Attacks on Contactless Smartcard
First International Conference on Security and Privacy for Emerging Areas in Communications Networks (SECURECOMM'05).