Hybrid manager-professionals' identity work : the maintenance and hybridization of medical professionalism in managerial contexts

We examine the ‘identity work’ of manager–professional ‘hybrids’, specifically medical professionals in managerial roles in the British National Health Service, to maintain and hybridize their professional identity and wider professionalism in organizational and policy contexts affected by managerialist ideas. Empirically, we differentiate between ‘incidental hybrids’, who represent and protect traditional institutionalized professionalism while temporarily in hybrid roles, and ‘willing hybrids’, who developed hybrid professional–managerial identities during formative identity work or later in reaction to potential professional identity violations. Questions about willing hybrids' professional identities led them to challenge and disrupt institutionalized professionalism, and use and integrate professionalism and managerialism, creating more legitimate hybrid professionalism in their managerial context. By aligning professionalism with their personal identity, and regulating and auditing other professionals, willing hybrids also position hybrids collectively as elite within their profession.

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