Mathematical visualization: algorithms, applications and numerics

Tetrahedra Based Volume Visualization.- Mesh Optimization and Multilevel Finite Element Approximations.- Efficient Visualization of Data on Sparse Grids.- A Meta Scheme for Iterative Refinement of Meshes.- A Scheme for Edge-based Adaptive Tetrahedron Subdivision.- Finite Element Approximations and the Dirichlet Problem for Surfaces of Prescribed Mean Curvature.- Efficient Volume-Generation During the Simulation of NC-Milling.- Constant Mean Curvature Surfaces with Cylindrical Ends.- Discrete Rotational CMC Surfaces and the Elliptic Billiard.- Zonotope Dynamics in Numerical Quality Control.- Straightest Geodesics on Polyhedral Surfaces.- Support of Explicit Time and Event Flows in the Object-Oriented Visualization Toolkit MAM/VRS.- A Survey of Parallel Coordinates.- Hierarchical Techniques for Global Illumination Computations - Recent Trends and Developments.- Two-Dimensional Image Rotation.- An Object-Oriented Interactive System for Scientific Simulations: Design and Applications.- Auditory Morse Analysis of Triangulated Manifolds.- Computing Sphere Eversions.- Morse Theory for Implicit Surface Modeling.- Special Relativity in Virtual Reality.- Exploring Low Dimensional Objects in High Dimensional Spaces.- Fast LIC with Piecewise Polynomial Filter Kernels.- Visualizing Poincare Maps together with the Underlying Flow.- Accuracy in 3D Particle Tracing.- Clifford Algebra in Vector Field Visualization.- Visualization of Complex ODE Solutions.- Appendix: Color Plates.