Refining a Tree-Decomposition which Distinguishes Tangles

Roberston and Seymour introduced tangles of order $k$ as objects representing highly connected parts of a graph and showed that every graph admits a tree-decomposition of adhesion $<k$ in which each tangle of order $k$ is contained in a different part. Recently, Carmesin, Diestel, Hamann and Hundertmark showed that such a tree-decomposition can be constructed in a canonical way, which makes it invariant under automorphisms of the graph. These canonical tree-decompositions necessarily have parts which contain no tangle of order $k$. We call these parts inessential. Diestel asked what could be said about the structure of the inessential parts. In this paper we show that the torsos of the inessential parts in these tree-decompositions have branch width $<k$, allowing us to further refine the canonical tree-decompositions, and also show that a similar result holds for $k$-blocks.